into a musical family. He studied biology at Irkutsk Agricultural Institute. He converted to Christianity at the end of the 1950s, after coming into contact with Alexander Men, and graduated from the Moscow Theological Seminary of the Russian Orthodox Church in 1959. In August 1962 he was ordained a priest and was appointed to the parish church in the city of Dmitrov near Moscow. Together with the priest Nikolai Eschliman, Yakunin wrote an open letter in 1965 to the Patriarch of Moscow, Alexius I, where he argued that the Church must be liberated from the total control of the Soviet state. The letter was published as a samizdat ("self-published", i.e., underground press). In retaliation for this, he was forbidden to continue his priestly ministry in the parish in May 1966. Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn supported Gleb Yakunin and Nikolai Eschliman in his letter to Patriarch Alexius. In 1976 he created the Christian Committee for the Defense of the Rights of Believers in the USSR. He published several hundreds of articles about the suppression of religious freedom in the Soviet Union. These documents were used by dissidents of all religious denominations. Yakunin was arrested and convicted for anti-Soviet agitation on 28 August 1980. He was kept in the KGB Lefortovo prison until 1985, and then in a labor camp known as "Perm 37". Later, he was punished by involuntary settlement in Yakutia. Gleb Yakunin was given amnesty in March 1987 under Mikhail Gorbachev. He was allowed to return to Moscow and worked again as a priest until 1992. He was rehabilitated in 1991. In 1990 Yakunin was elected to the Supreme Soviet of the Russian Federation and worked as deputy chairman the Parliamentary Committee for the Freedom of Conscience. He was co-author of the law concerning "freedom of all denominations" that was used for the opening of churches and monasteries throughout the country. Gleb Yakunin was a member of the committee created for the investigation of the Soviet coup attempt of 1991 and chaired by Lev Ponomaryov, and thereby gained the access to secret KGB archives. In March 1992 he published materials about the cooperation between the Moscow Patriarchate and the KGB. He published code names of several KGB agents who held high-rank positions in the Russian Orthodox Church including Patriarch Alexius II, Mitropolitans Filaret of Kiev, Pitrim of Volokolamsk, and others. The Russian church excommunicated Yakunin in 1993. Gleb Yakunin was one of the organizers of the democratic alliance "Choice of Russia" in 1993, prior to the opening of the Constituent Assembly of Russia called by the Russian president Boris Yeltsin. He became a State Duma delegate representing the party "Democratic Russia" in 1996. He created the Committee for Defense of Freedom of Conscience in 1995. He criticized the law "On Freedom of Conscience and Religious Associations" adopted by the Duma and made numerous statements in support of human rights in Russia. As is traditional for Orthodox parish
piece is an abstract triptych that I found while I was in Atlanta buying religious paintings The piece was called Guardian Angel and I love it My patrons fell in love with it as well They have asked me to track down the artist and see if he has anymore religious paintings available The only religious paintings that I actually do not buy are ones that reflect the image of Jesus on the cross I don’t have a problem with them some of them are extremely well done and would more than likely sell well but my investors made it very clear when they financed the gallery that I would not put that image into it PPPPP 683 Ajello Candles The motto of the Ajello Candle Company is “It’s better to light a candle than to curse the darkness” This candle making company has been in business since 1775 The business has been family owned for seven generations The candles from Ajello’s are well known for their beauty and quality While they make more candles now than in 1775 their dedication to quality and to customers has never changed The Ajello Candle Company was founded by Rafael Ajello an Italian painter He was also a beekeeper so he tried his hand at using bees wax to create candles He worked hard to create a formula that worked well The formula combined with his outstanding artistic ability lead to the birth of the Ajello Candle Company In 1785 the company earned the honor of creating all the candles for the Vatican He and his wife ran the business keeping their children involved in the processes from an early age As time went on their children and grandchildren kept the business running as well as passed the family business on to their children By 1862 the company had established itself as a leader among the candle making industry They had also added perfumes and many .

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